Yeah that's right! This weekend was fantastic, from what I remember. I kinda browned out. But I can tell you that I was it's always sunny in philidelphia character Charlie Kelly. I went as far as growing a beard for this one. " one which I don't want to shave lol ". The reason I don't wanna shave is cause I have what Erin calls a " firebreathing hangover ". I did stay up tonight for the first episode of the walking dead, it actually just got over. It was nothing less than amazing! The party lastnight was great and I can def tell you what everyone was. Just to name a few I seen, bank robber, Patrick batemen, beeker, a twister board, knight, zombies, Dexter and victim, a griffin lol, a fat chef and a baby. So fun! We had some beers and no fights and a great time.
And now onto what this blogs really about. BIKES!
So now that I'm not sick anymore I will b back on the bike. I think it may be about time to take my deep dish wheels off and put my beater rims on. When it starts to snow I will be riding bmx. I just went to the shop and ordered some brakes! So I'm excited to hit up some skateparks! Well I'm tired, so sorry this is so short. I'll post a longer blog this week.
Rubber side down
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tired. Sickly. Slightly inactive.
We are almost at the end of October and I'm ashamed to say that I should of ridden more this month. With jack frost breathing down our necks, I should have taken more action. I did to the TT and finished at a respectable second place, but I just wanted to get out and get lost for a while. I did go out this week and it was possibly the worst day on a bike I had this year. The wind was slamming me every way but no tailwind " obv " it was cold and I was sore as shit. It's funny because i took a few days off the bike, hit the gym and played some hockey, and I tell you what, I got on my bike Monday and felt like a climbing god! It's crazy because as a cyclist, or any endurance athlete for that matter can tell you. Taking a few days or weeks off can make one feel like a sluggish couch potato. But it payed off. I was spinning up all my climbs at the " magic " pace. Since it gets dark about 30 to 45 minutes after I get home now, I change my cycling workouts from quanity to quality. I'll let you in on my little secret as to how I get ready for the upcomming season, and it's very simple. 30 to 45 minutes of hill repeats! That's it! Simple, brutal but worth it. Go up the hill go down, go up the hill, put in some hard efforts, back down and repeat. I actually did this so much this past season preparing for my Albany race, I forgot what it felt like to ride on flat roads. But that will be my off season plan. That and going to the gym with Erin when the snow hits.
I have not updated in a while because life has been busy. Wedding planning, haloween planning, my hockey season, going to hockey games and getting sick! Which brings me to the complaint portion of this crappy blog. I guess I have allergies because this time of the year I always feel the same. Sore throat, nasal drip and the occasional cough. Life does not feel real when your infected. You kinda feel like Edward norton in fight club. But I will overcome this cold or whatever it may be. It picked the wrong mother fucker to invade!
Lastly since I have not done a top artists of the week for....well about a week. Here is my top five!
1. Your demise
2. Catherine
3. Rangers goal song
4. Delorian
5. Designer Drugs
Rubber side down
I have not updated in a while because life has been busy. Wedding planning, haloween planning, my hockey season, going to hockey games and getting sick! Which brings me to the complaint portion of this crappy blog. I guess I have allergies because this time of the year I always feel the same. Sore throat, nasal drip and the occasional cough. Life does not feel real when your infected. You kinda feel like Edward norton in fight club. But I will overcome this cold or whatever it may be. It picked the wrong mother fucker to invade!
Lastly since I have not done a top artists of the week for....well about a week. Here is my top five!
1. Your demise
2. Catherine
3. Rangers goal song
4. Delorian
5. Designer Drugs
Rubber side down
Monday, October 11, 2010
Mike, the cyclist / part wedding planer
After a packed weekend with my fiancé's b day and friends b days, I squeezed a few days training in before my TT. So I'll give u a rundown of that now, then I'll talk about my awesome weekend.
Storm king cannibal-
or the Hudson highlands gran fondo, whatever you want to call it, was a 7.1 mile time trial up over the mountain and back over to end at the summit.
The event was right by my appartment so I got to sleep in a little. It was about 40 out when I got up, and my appartment was freezing! I didn't need much fuel for the race since it's short, so I had a piece of bread with nutella. I got all my shit togheter and filled my water bottle, grabbed a gel and drove to the stageing area. The race setup was pretty bad ass, there was even a chick who held your bike upright like in a pro tour TT. So I arrive and sign in and gear up and start riding around to warm up. I tell you, it was colder than a bastard out! I had goosebumps all the way till they called my name to stage " or so I thought ". The girl told me it was my turn so I pounded my only energy gel " hammer gel w/ espresso " for a extra kick, only to find out they made a mistake and I wouldent be going off untill 10am. Great I said to myself, I wasted my only gel 15 min too early. Finally it was my turn! I got on my bike with about 7 other cat 4/5 dudes watching, the chick held me up by my seat " I felt like such a pro" I almost did the contador sign of the cross three times lol, and the beep for ten seconds then 3,2,1.....I was off! I attacked the first mile long climb in my big chainring and almost right away I felt not very good. My legs were heavy from the lack of training and my form was off, but I made it up to the summit and bombed down. I was tucked as far as u could be and cranking my ass off, I was doing about 40mph. Then I hit more hills, I tryed to get into a rythm but I kept figgiting around and was uncomfortable. I hit the turn around and headed toward the finish line. I was digging deep and catching up to the guy who started a minute before me. ( it's a known fact for cyclists when your in a TT and see your about to catch someone, you kill yourself to get him no excuses ). I had him in my sights and by 500 meters to the summit finish I almost had him. I crossed the finish line in 00:23:23 just behind the dude. When I finished I could feel my body in shambles, my eyes were red, nose dripping snot and I was drooling all over. Good visual hu? It will be cause someone snapped a pic of me as I finished lol. I'll post it as soon as I find it. All in all I finished in 2nd place 24 sec behind the winner. Rats!!! But it's cool. On my way down from the finish to my car, I got a real moral booster! My fiancé and our very good friends were on the side of the road waiting for me to ride by. They cheered for me not knowing I finished 2nd anyway, which makes me really happy! Thanks to them. So that was the time trial!
As you now know Erin and I are engaged. So were trying to plan this wedding! Well Erin is, I'm kinda the half planner. Erin wrote out like almost all her family and friends in like 15 minutes. She handed the paper to me and I got as far as writting mom and dad. I'm horrible. Regardless, I am damn stoked to get married! I did look at dudes wedding bands and seen some bad ass tux's. I'm leaning to a titanium ring, cause titanium is fucking awesome. Altho I would love to have a carbon fiber one lol! I'm excited to help plan the wedding! Erin has all these wedding mags and shit, and I do sneak a peek at them, not gonna lie! I got some cool ideas. But I'm not telling! Well that's all for now. I'm going to let the rain sing me to sleep " and the occasional car horn ". So that's that!
Rubber side down
mike "the groom to be"
Storm king cannibal-
or the Hudson highlands gran fondo, whatever you want to call it, was a 7.1 mile time trial up over the mountain and back over to end at the summit.
The event was right by my appartment so I got to sleep in a little. It was about 40 out when I got up, and my appartment was freezing! I didn't need much fuel for the race since it's short, so I had a piece of bread with nutella. I got all my shit togheter and filled my water bottle, grabbed a gel and drove to the stageing area. The race setup was pretty bad ass, there was even a chick who held your bike upright like in a pro tour TT. So I arrive and sign in and gear up and start riding around to warm up. I tell you, it was colder than a bastard out! I had goosebumps all the way till they called my name to stage " or so I thought ". The girl told me it was my turn so I pounded my only energy gel " hammer gel w/ espresso " for a extra kick, only to find out they made a mistake and I wouldent be going off untill 10am. Great I said to myself, I wasted my only gel 15 min too early. Finally it was my turn! I got on my bike with about 7 other cat 4/5 dudes watching, the chick held me up by my seat " I felt like such a pro" I almost did the contador sign of the cross three times lol, and the beep for ten seconds then 3,2,1.....I was off! I attacked the first mile long climb in my big chainring and almost right away I felt not very good. My legs were heavy from the lack of training and my form was off, but I made it up to the summit and bombed down. I was tucked as far as u could be and cranking my ass off, I was doing about 40mph. Then I hit more hills, I tryed to get into a rythm but I kept figgiting around and was uncomfortable. I hit the turn around and headed toward the finish line. I was digging deep and catching up to the guy who started a minute before me. ( it's a known fact for cyclists when your in a TT and see your about to catch someone, you kill yourself to get him no excuses ). I had him in my sights and by 500 meters to the summit finish I almost had him. I crossed the finish line in 00:23:23 just behind the dude. When I finished I could feel my body in shambles, my eyes were red, nose dripping snot and I was drooling all over. Good visual hu? It will be cause someone snapped a pic of me as I finished lol. I'll post it as soon as I find it. All in all I finished in 2nd place 24 sec behind the winner. Rats!!! But it's cool. On my way down from the finish to my car, I got a real moral booster! My fiancé and our very good friends were on the side of the road waiting for me to ride by. They cheered for me not knowing I finished 2nd anyway, which makes me really happy! Thanks to them. So that was the time trial!
As you now know Erin and I are engaged. So were trying to plan this wedding! Well Erin is, I'm kinda the half planner. Erin wrote out like almost all her family and friends in like 15 minutes. She handed the paper to me and I got as far as writting mom and dad. I'm horrible. Regardless, I am damn stoked to get married! I did look at dudes wedding bands and seen some bad ass tux's. I'm leaning to a titanium ring, cause titanium is fucking awesome. Altho I would love to have a carbon fiber one lol! I'm excited to help plan the wedding! Erin has all these wedding mags and shit, and I do sneak a peek at them, not gonna lie! I got some cool ideas. But I'm not telling! Well that's all for now. I'm going to let the rain sing me to sleep " and the occasional car horn ". So that's that!
Rubber side down
mike "the groom to be"
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The race at my doorstep.
As you know my race this weekend is like 4 minutes from my apartment. With the little light that was left when I got home from work, I jumped on my bike and rode the course. It's a 7 mile TT suited for climbers and all arounders. This should be good for me since I love climbing. Tho I didn't ride my balls off the whole way, I did some hard efforts and felt like I could do well. It's a combined cat race " 4/5 " so it will be a challange! I'll go into the TT with an advantage since I ride that road almost every day. The desents are windy and overlook the Hudson river, so if you make a mistake you're dead meat! I'm excited to test myself against some riders who are better than I am, it will make me dig deep......PAIN CAVE!!!! If anyone wants to come support, or run along side me and scream, it's Sunday at 10am on storm king highway. " 218 ". Come and watch me suffer! After this race, it's just going to be some enduro rides and then my season will come to an end.
And now for my top artists of the week!
1. Lil Wayne
2. Dom
3. Phil Collins - for the third week in a row!!
Its past midnight as I'm typing this, and I have a long day tomorrow. I'm heading to headless horsemen after work to celebrate my fiancé's bff and good friend of mine also, Jane. We will def throw back a few beers n have a good time. I hope bjarne Riis don't kick me from my race Sunday for violating the alcohol after dinner rule! Lol. K I'm out.
From my cozy bed next to my beautyfull fiancé...
Rubber side down!
And now for my top artists of the week!
1. Lil Wayne
2. Dom
3. Phil Collins - for the third week in a row!!
Its past midnight as I'm typing this, and I have a long day tomorrow. I'm heading to headless horsemen after work to celebrate my fiancé's bff and good friend of mine also, Jane. We will def throw back a few beers n have a good time. I hope bjarne Riis don't kick me from my race Sunday for violating the alcohol after dinner rule! Lol. K I'm out.
From my cozy bed next to my beautyfull fiancé...
Rubber side down!
Monday, October 4, 2010
New chapters, more races, love.
Sorry for not posting in a while, my life has been pretty crazy the past week " in a good way ". For starters I got engaged Friday October 1st!!! I asked the girl of my dreams to marry me! It was 6 years in the making, and she said yes! I took her to the waterfront we often go to hang sometimes and asked her by the water. It was awesome! It feels like a new chapter in my life started, I feel so good and I'm 100% in love. I love the word fiancé, I used it like 5,000 times don't get old lol.
Also, Im racing a time trial this Sunday right by my apartment. It's a 7.1 mile rolling hill course. I had to enter the cat 4/5 since it's combined. I don't plan on winning but I'm going to give it my all. I think I may just have to because I've been off my bike for over a week now. If I plan out my training right " which will only be a 3 or 4 day block, I should be ok. I just need to race! I love it so much ( not more than my fiancé ). There's just somthing about putting on you respected shops team kit and burying yourself in the saddle that I've come to love! I also read on the promoters site that HTC Columbia womens rider evie Stevens is suposto be there, along with other pros too. I have no clue if this is true or not. This is the first year of this event so who knows how this will roll. All I know is that I need to get into somewhat ok form for this Sunday. I would of started training today, but the stupid rain is keeping me indoors. But I'll try hard to get into ok form, so wish me luck!
Its cold out tonight, which leads me to believe the temp will not fluctuate from 60 to 90 every other day anymore. I'll try and plan some nice endurance rides to end the pretty successful cycling season I had. Tuesday is my fiances birthday too. So that's cool as shit. And Friday night we are heading to headless horsemen. That place is kick ass.
Well that's all I can remember for now. Untill later this week.
Rubber side down!!!
Yours engaged, in love and happy as shit!
Also, Im racing a time trial this Sunday right by my apartment. It's a 7.1 mile rolling hill course. I had to enter the cat 4/5 since it's combined. I don't plan on winning but I'm going to give it my all. I think I may just have to because I've been off my bike for over a week now. If I plan out my training right " which will only be a 3 or 4 day block, I should be ok. I just need to race! I love it so much ( not more than my fiancé ). There's just somthing about putting on you respected shops team kit and burying yourself in the saddle that I've come to love! I also read on the promoters site that HTC Columbia womens rider evie Stevens is suposto be there, along with other pros too. I have no clue if this is true or not. This is the first year of this event so who knows how this will roll. All I know is that I need to get into somewhat ok form for this Sunday. I would of started training today, but the stupid rain is keeping me indoors. But I'll try hard to get into ok form, so wish me luck!
Its cold out tonight, which leads me to believe the temp will not fluctuate from 60 to 90 every other day anymore. I'll try and plan some nice endurance rides to end the pretty successful cycling season I had. Tuesday is my fiances birthday too. So that's cool as shit. And Friday night we are heading to headless horsemen. That place is kick ass.
Well that's all I can remember for now. Untill later this week.
Rubber side down!!!
Yours engaged, in love and happy as shit!
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