Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cycling and " monk like " living.

So I'm sitting in a bar in a nearby town to where I live. It's getting late and cause I'm a freak and feel I have to live like a monk I have limited myself to 2 beers. When you get into cycling and it takes over every aspect of your life....I'm not gonna lie it annoys people. I know it is late in the season and I am in no way a pro cyclist. But I feel I owe somthing to my body for being good to me this whole season and keeping me healthy. I don't know if my other cycling companions think the way I do on these subjects. Cycling has made me so mind fucked the past couple years. It's funny how people become obsessed with things " like myself ". I do not have a obsessive personality , well I guess I do considering I refuse to eat dessert and I refuse to have any sort of chocolate because I think that I will get " fat " and it will effect my riding. I guess I'm just rambiling on and letting all of you who don't read this how nuts I am when it comes to everything cycling. So just call me crazy cause I freak if Im out somewhere and I can't eat anything healthy. But anyway, I had a fun group ride today, my friend flatted out a half hour into the ride and I waited for him. So we fixed his flat n played catch up with the group " who we could not find ". So we rode fast as shit back to the shop, and that was that. Well I guess that's it for tonight. This really was not a post about anything important, I'm just trying to kill time in this bar where I'm not drinking a drop of alcohol. I love my friends who are here and I love my gf.
Rubber side down
peace mike.

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