Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tired. Sickly. Slightly inactive.

We are almost at the end of October and I'm ashamed to say that I should of ridden more this month. With jack frost breathing down our necks, I should have taken more action. I did to the TT and finished at a respectable second place, but I just wanted to get out and get lost for a while. I did go out this week and it was possibly the worst day on a bike I had this year. The wind was slamming me every way but no tailwind " obv " it was cold and I was sore as shit. It's funny because i took a few days off the bike, hit the gym and played some hockey, and I tell you what, I got on my bike Monday and felt like a climbing god! It's crazy because as a cyclist, or any endurance athlete for that matter can tell you. Taking a few days or weeks off can make one feel like a sluggish couch potato. But it payed off. I was spinning up all my climbs at the " magic " pace. Since it gets dark about 30 to 45 minutes after I get home now, I change my cycling workouts from quanity to quality. I'll let you in on my little secret as to how I get ready for the upcomming season, and it's very simple. 30 to 45 minutes of hill repeats! That's it! Simple, brutal but worth it. Go up the hill go down, go up the hill, put in some hard efforts, back down and repeat. I actually did this so much this past season preparing for my Albany race, I forgot what it felt like to ride on flat roads. But that will be my off season plan. That and going to the gym with Erin when the snow hits.
I have not updated in a while because life has been busy. Wedding planning, haloween planning, my hockey season, going to hockey games and getting sick! Which brings me to the complaint portion of this crappy blog. I guess I have allergies because this time of the year I always feel the same. Sore throat, nasal drip and the occasional cough. Life does not feel real when your infected. You kinda feel like Edward norton in fight club. But I will overcome this cold or whatever it may be. It picked the wrong mother fucker to invade!
Lastly since I have not done a top artists of the week for....well about a week. Here is my top five!
1. Your demise
2. Catherine
3. Rangers goal song
4. Delorian
5. Designer Drugs

Rubber side down

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